Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Minister of Horticulture Jagat Singh Negi on Saturday said that China has occupied Indian land, especially in Ladakh. China shares a long border with India. In such a situation, China is continuously strengthening its border structure and has occupied Indian land. Especially in Ladakh, it has captured a large area, Negi said.
Negi said that Congress MP Rahul Gandhi has raised this issue time and again including recently when he came back after his Ladakh tour. Rahul went to different places in Ladakh along with Himachal Pradesh's Chief Parliamentary Secretary (CPS) Sunder Singh Thakur.
"I have raised this matter in the assembly as well that China has occupied a large area in Ladakh, however, PM Narendra Modi used to say that no one has entered and no one will be able to enter Ladakh. This statement of PM Modi has been proved false. We lost our soldier in Galwan. If we see that particular area on Google, we will find that China has built its bunkers, roads and other infrastructure," Negi said.
Thakur, who accompanied Rahul Gandhi in the Ladakh visit said, "Rahul Gandhi met many local villagers and had a talk with them during his visit to Ladakh. The villagers told Gandhi that the pastures where they used to graze their animals and sheep for a long time are now under Chinese occupation. It is clear that China has occupied our territory."