Sonipat: The Delhi Police has finally arrested wrestler Sushil Kumar after 18-days. The two-time Olympic medalist is accused of murdering a fellow wrestler Sagar Dhankar. After the arrest of Sushil Kumar, ETV Bharat spoke to the family members of the deceased wrestler Sagar Dhankar. Sagar's father Ashok Dhankhar, who retired from Delhi Police said that he wants justice and has full faith in Delhi Police.
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Sagar's mother Savita Dhankar has demanded death penlaty for Sushil Kumar. She has also asked for stripping away of all medals and awards that are given to the celebrated Indian Olympian. She further added that Sushil Kumar must be removed from the stadium and the sport of wrestling as well.
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According to Delhi Police, Sushil Kumar was present with some of his colleagues at the Chhatrasal Stadium in Delhi at around 2 am in the night on May 4, 2021. Sagar and some of his friends were brought to the stadiums by Sushil Kumar's companions.
They were badly beaten by Sushil Kumar and his companions. Sagar Dhankar died following the severe beatings on the same day. Wrestler Sushil Kumar was absconding following the severe assault and murder. Finally, on 23rd May, he was arrested from Delhi.
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