Faridabad: In a shocking incident reported on the day of Navratri, a man died after being allegedly assaulted by two youths in Faridabad district of Haryana, officials said on Wednesday. According to the information provided by the officials, a Dandiya Night program was organized in Sector-87 Princess Society.
In this program the residents of the society and surrounding locality were invited. The relatives of the deceased said in their complaint that during the Dandiya dance, two youths were asking for the number of their 25-year-old daughter. The relatives said that when they protested, both the youths pushed the girl's parents and brother. During this time, the girl's father fell down due to the shock and became unconscious.
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The family members immediately took him to the hospital where the doctors declared him dead. The family members of the deceased have filed a case with the police for both pushing and assaulting them as well as asking for their daughter's number. Investigating Officer Jamil Khan while confirming the death of the man said that the family has lodged a complaint against the youths.
Khan said that the family members have said in their complaint that two youths live in Prince Society and the deceased also lives in Prince Society with his family. During Dandiya dance, some youths touched the hand of a girl, which led to a dispute, Khan quoted the complainant as saying. “It was during this dispute that a scuffle took place during which a person fell down due to the shock.
The person was taken to the hospital, where the doctor declared him dead,” Investigating Officer Khan said. He said that the post-mortem of the deceased is being conducted by the police adding that the police team is conducting investigation of the case.