Bhiwani: A woman chased four men after they opened fire on a man with guns in Haryana's Bhiwani on Monday. The incident took place in Dabur Colony at around 7.30 am on Monday. The entire incident was captured in a CCTV camera installed nearby and has gone viral on social media. The target has been identified as Harikishan, an accused in the murder of Ravi Boxer, and is currently out on bail.
The video shows Harikishan standing in front of his house when four men on two bikes landed there and two of them started a conversation with him. They then suddenly started firing at him, however, Haikishan managed to escape and went inside his house and shut them. Harikishan has suffered bullet injuries. The shooter continued firing at the gate.
They tried to open the gate, however, a woman with a broom in her hand suddenly came and charged the armed shooters. The shooters take their step back and one of them tries to open fire at the woman, but in vain. The four accused then ran from the spot. Meanwhile, Harikishan has been shifted to Rohtak PGI for treatment. The police started an investigation into the firing incident.
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