Bhiwani (Haryana): A Haryana MP from Mahendragarh received an obscene video call from an unknown number on his cell phone while he was holding a meeting. Now, the Mahendragarh MP, Dharambir Singh, lodged a complaint at the Bhiwani cyber crime police station, prompting police to launch an investigation.
The case was lodged by the secretary of the MP at Bhiwani cyber crime police station. It is learned from the sources that the BJP MP Dharambir Singh was holding a meeting. In the meantime, a video call came on his WhatsApp number. The moment he received the call, an obscene video began playing on the screen of the phone. The MP immediately disconnected the call.
Vikas, station house officer (SHO) of the Bhiwani cyber police station, said, "We received the complaint from secretary of teh Mahendragarh MP, Dharambir Singh, stating that when the MP was in a meeting a video call from unknown number came on his WhatsApp number. When the MP received the WhatsApp video call a nude picture started displaying on the mobile phone. The MP immediately disconnected the phone." "We launched a probe and the culprit will be arrested soon," said the SHO.