Sabarkantha: On Sunday, April 10, at Himmatnagar in Gujarat's Sabarkantha district, a procession on the occasion of Ram Navami began with a palanquin carried by Ram worshippers. At midday, stone-pelting began on the procession as it marched through the Chhapaliya neighbourhood of Himmatnagar. The latter made a sharp turn and bolted.
Vehicles were used to set fire to stores. The police team, as well as the Sabarkantha and Aravalli district police heads took stock of the situation, intervening to put a stop to the violence beginning to spiral out of control. The cops fired more than seven rounds of tear gas to disperse the crowd. Ten police officers sustained injuries when stones were thrown at a police convoy. They were taken to a hospital for treatment.
Stones thrown at locals, including police chief: Following the stone pelting at the procession, Mehsana and Aravalli district police, including Sabarkantha district police, were obliged to be summoned. Locals, including the district police head, were also attacked, however police responded by dispatching four SRPF and two Rapid Action Force units to Himmatnagar after comprehending the seriousness of the situation. Patrolling was initiated in the Panpur and Chhapariya areas, with several district police squads also participating.
10 police officers suffered minor injuries - The procession marched through the Chhapariya neighbourhood of Himmatnagar city on the eve of Ram Navami. The stoning scenario at the parade had gotten out of hand at that point. The Sabarkantha district police, including Range IG, as well as a convoy of police and SRP from the Aravalli, Mehsana, and Gandhinagar districts, were compelled to escape as the situation worsened. Five civilians were injured, as well as other cars and stores being thrashed in the process.
144 used in the event of violence: On Sunday night, Hitesh Koya, the District Collector of Lai Sabarkantha, enforced Section 144 for the purpose of preserving law and order. The District Collector put in place the order between April 10 and April 12. Violation of this order was noted as punishable under section 188 of the IPC.
Complaint filed against group of 700 persons: A press conference was conducted by RANGE IG Himmatnagar in response to the incident in Sabarkantha. The specifics of the incident were reported during the event. The IG said that more than 30 individuals had been arrested at the time in relation to the Ram Navami clash. In Himmatnagar, up to 1000 police officers are now on duty. In this regard, a number of complaints have been filed. Complaints have been filed against 39 people, as well as a crowd of 700 people.
To keep the issue under control, strict enforcement is required: The Ram Navami stone-pelting case in Himmatnagar is still ongoing. Another incidence of stone pelting occurred late Monday night. People were terrified as a result of this. Police units, including the CRPF, were quickly dispatched to the scene and began patrolling it. Even in the dead of night, the situation was brought under control, and a report was filed against the mob of 100 individuals at Himmatnagar's B Division police station, and severe enforcement was implemented to keep the situation under control.
Incident pre-planned says MP: Deepsinh Rathore, BJP MP representing Sabarkantha, described the plot as "pre-planned." Himmatnagar MP Rajendra Singh Chavda, on the other side, stated that action will be taken to apprehend those anti-social individuals who were causing trouble. On Wednesday afternoon, under the supervision of state home minister Harsh Sanghvi, a meeting of key officials, including the Gujarat state police head, was held in Himatnagar in Sabarkantha, where he detailed steps to preserve calm in Gujarat in the near future.
High-level meeting: Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghvi, Gujarat Police Chief, Range IG, and other officials met in Himmatnagar for a high-level meeting. Various institutions received extensive information regarding the stone pelting in Himmatnagar, including Sabarkantha District Collector and Minister of State Gajendrasinh Parmar, as well as MLAs and MPs. He also gave details regarding the occurrence at Himmatnagar's Vanjara Vas.
So far, he claimed, ten persons have been detained in connection with the event from a further incident of violence from Monday night. The Gujarat police chief, on the other hand, pledged to take exceptional action. Gujarat Police Chief Ashish Bhatia claimed that the issue will be brought under control immediately.
22 arrested, presented in Judicial Court - After the meeting, state and district police were on high alert. The police were keeping a tight eye on the matter, while 22 people were arrested in relation to the Monday night violence.