Ahmedabad: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, who visited Gujarat for two days, made a bizarre statement as a retort to a journalist during a press conference here on Tuesday. When one of the reporters present at the press conference asked Kejriwal whether anti-Gujarat activist Medha Patkar is the party's CM face for the upcoming assembly polls, Kejriwal sidestepped the question and asked the reporter to ask BJP if they are planning to have Sonia Gandhi as PM candidate after PM Modi.
"I have heard that the BJP is going to make Sonia Gandhi the PM candidate after Modi. I dare you to ask them my question. Tell them, Kejriwal has accused that you are going to make Sonia Gandhi the successor of PM Modi for the post of Prime Minister."
Also read: Party office raided in Ahmedabad: AAP
Kejriwal also claimed that the BJP was going to lose the coming Assembly elections in Gujarat while the Congress was "finished", and the AAP would be the winner. "They did nothing in the last 27 years and have no plans for the next five years. I would like to ask the BJP why they oppose it when I say I want to provide free electricity to people in Gujarat?" he further said.