New Delhi: The Delhi police registered a case against a man, who sold fake air tickets to former Lokayukta of Delhi Manmohan Sarin, who is also retired Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court and Delhi High Court. Sarin asked a travel agent to book tickets from India to Dubai for him. Sarin left for Dubai on July 4 and when he went to take a printout of his return ticket, he could not locate the ticket. He was then informed by the protocol department of the High Court that his ticket was fake.
Also read: Gujarat man held for attempting to travel to Doha on fake ticket
Sarin, due to the unavailability of seats in business class, booked a seat in economy class and returned to India on July 10. On July 11, he lodged a complaint against the travel agent and the information did not reach media persons then, but now after the police uploaded the FIR online, the issue came to light. A complaint has been registered by the police, however, no official statement has been issued by the police yet.