New Delhi: Three labourers suffered burn injuries when a gas pipeline in north Delhi's Burari got damaged while digging the ground for the Safe City Project, the police said on Tuesday. The incident occurred on Monday afternoon. Deputy Commissioner of Police (north) Sagar Singh Kalsi said that the labourers of a contractor engaged in the Safe City Project hit a pipeline of Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) while digging the ground. Three welding workers suffered burn injuries and the pipeline was also damaged. They received treatment at a hospital and were later discharged, the police officer said.
Later, the IGL engineers were called to the spot to repair the pipeline. However, three persons stopped them from carrying out the repairs following which the police rushed to the spot and resolved the matter, the DCP said. It has been alleged that some people misbehaved with the IGL staff. The repair work was, however, completed, the police said.
On the complaint of an IGL staffer, a case has been registered under IPC sections 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 341 (punishment for wrongful restraint), 506 (punishment for criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention), Kalsi said. Delhi Lt Governor VK Saxena had in April instructed the Delhi police to operationalise the 'Safe City Project' by August to prevent crimes against women in public places. (PTI)
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