New Delhi: The Crime Branch of Delhi Police arrested three people for allegedly cheating businessman Anil Nanda. Anil Nanda is a relative of Megastar Amitabh Bachchan. The accused have been identified as Avneesh Chandra Jha, Majid Ali, a Chartered Accountant by profession, and Radha Krishna, a former employee of Anil Nanda. According to the police, Anil Nanda was cheated on February 2020. Acting on his complaint, the Crime Branch of Delhi Police registered a case, and after an investigation on December 24, police arrested the three accused on Sunday.
According to the police officer, Anil Nanda lives in the Friends Colony area of Delhi. He is the brother of Rajan Nanda, father-in-law of Amitabh Bachchan's daughter Shweta. Anil Nanda has also been the Vice-President of Nanda Escorts Group. He said that he was cheated in February 2020. Acting on his complaint, the police registered a case after investigation on December 24 and arrested three accused Avneesh Chandra Jha alias Guruji, Majid Ali and Radha Krishna on Sunday.
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During the interrogation, the accused revealed that they used to target rich people in Delhi. In 2016, when Anil Nanda was in jail in a cheating case, he met Avneesh Chandra Jha, who was also in jail at that time, a police officer said. Avneesh came out of jail in 2019 and the two met several times. Jha asked for an assistant for himself. Nanda suggested the name of Radha Krishna, who had worked with him for many years. It is alleged that Radha Krishna gave all the information related to Nanda to Jha, on which Avneesh cheated Nanda.