New Delhi: A 17-year-old boy was stabbed to death by two minor boys after allegedly resisting harassing of his sister by the accused in Patel Nagar area of Central Delhi on Friday night, police said. The teenager was returning home after a computer class in his neighbourhood when the two accused minors stabbed him with a knife leaving him grievously injured.
Also read: Siblings stabbed in Dwarka Sector 3, one dead
He was taken to a nearby hospital in critical condition where doctors declared him brought dead. The fatal attack has been caught on CCTV camera. In the footage, the three can be seen fighting in a lane with one of the two minors stabbing the teenager, who was seen collapsing afterwards. Police detained both minors. It is alleged that the two accused minors had recently harassed the deceased's sister for which he had resisted and slapped one of them. To avenge the slap, the two hatched a plan to kill him, it is said. Police are yet to issue an official statement.