New Delhi/Noida: A 24-year-old model died after a lighting truss fell on her during a fashion show at the Noida Film City on Sunday. The deceased has been identified as Vanshika Chopra, daughter of Pawan Chopra. The model died during treatment at Kailash Hospital, Sector-27, meanwhile, another person was seriously injured and has been undergoing treatment.
According to sources, during the fashion show, the lighting truss fell on the model Vanshika and Bobby Raj, son of Raj Kumar, a resident of Gopal Pura. The two victims were rushed to a hospital where Vanshika died while undergoing treatment while Bobby was undergoing treatment. The family members of the deceased and the injured have been informed.
The organiser of the fashion show and the person, who installed the lighting truss, are being questioned, sources said. The media cell of Gautam Buddha Nagar Commissionerate said that the relatives of the deceased and the injured in connection with the accident have been informed. Along with this, some people are being interrogated by taking them into custody.
If the complaint will be lodged by the relatives of the injured and the deceased, then advance legal action will be taken accordingly. Along with this, who was responsible for the accident and how the accident happened, is being investigated, the media cell said.
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