New Delhi: National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five culprits involved in the clashes that took place in Delhi's Jahangirpuri that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on April 16, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The action was taken a day after Union Home Minister Amit Shah directed Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana to take strict action over Jahangirpuri violence.
Shah had given his direction in a telephonic conversation with Asthana followed by a report presented before him by senior Delhi Police officials on the incident. On Saturday, the Home Minister also talked to Asthana and Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Depender Pathak over the incident and asked them to maintain law and order. The situation turned tense in the north-west Delhi's Jahangirpuri soon after stone-pelting and chaos ensued following clashes between members of two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in the evening.
The FIR, registered on the complaint filed by a police officer at the Jahangirpuri police station, mentions that there was a peaceful Shobha Yatra procession to mark Hanuman Jayanti and an argument escalated. It led to stone-pelting. Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana on Monday informed in a press briefing that 14 teams of police are investigating the Jahangirpuri violence case.
Also read: Jahangirpuri violence: Main accused Ansar a 'BJP leader', says AAP with proof
So far, 21 people have been arrested and two juveniles detained in connection with the incident that left nine people injured including eight police personnel and one civilian. The Delhi Police Commissioner said that a close watch was being maintained on the social media platforms and assured legal action against those attempting to spread misinformation.
"Four teams of forensics examined the spot today. 14 teams of police are investigating the case from different angles. The investigation is in the initial phase. A total of 21 people were arrested and some others are on remand," Asthana told the media on Monday.
A total of 14 accused in the case were produced before the Rohini court on Sunday, which sent two prime accused - Ansar and Aslam - to police custody for a day. The remaining 12 were sent to judicial custody for 14 days. "We are monitoring social media closely, and legal action will be taken against those who are found spreading misinformation," Asthana said when asked about reports that flags were installed at a mosque. Three firearms and five swords have been recovered from the possession of the accused persons, said police. "As of now, three firearms recovered. A forensic examination will be done on the recovery. Restrictions in the Jahangirpuri area were imposed to create a sense of safety. The police deployment will be decreased after the situation gets better," the Delhi CP said.
On the violent clashes, the Delhi top cop said, "An altercation between the two groups erupted, now what was the altercation and why it happened, saying anything on this before concluding the investigation will not be right." On Monday, Ravindra Yadav, Special Commissioner of Police, Crime Branch informed that the Delhi Police Crime Branch and the district police are jointly probing the incident.