New Delhi: India's health fraternity on Wednesday hailed the announcement as far as the health sector is concerned in the Union Budget 2023-24. Speaking to ETV Bharat, Dr Anilkumar J Nayak, secretary general of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) said that this budget has given special importance to one of the major issues, the tribal communities of the country suffering sickle cell anemia.
"It's really a good budget as it has given prominence to dealing with sickle cell anemia. Although the disease is highly prevalent in Gujarat, people in almost all the tribal-dominated areas are affected with sickle cell anemia. And this has been highlighted for the first time in Union Budget," said Dr Nayak.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting the Union Budget for 2023-24 in the Lok Sabha, said that a mission to eliminate sickle cell anemia by 2047 will be launched.
"It will entail awareness creation, universal screening of 7 crore people in the age group 0 to 40 years in affected tribal areas and counseling through collaborative efforts," Sitharaman announced.
Highlighting the other aspects of the health sector in the budget, Dr Nayak said that making the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) available for research purposes to the public and private medical college faculty is also praiseworthy.
"It will definitely boost the research and development (R&D) in the health sector," said Dr Nayak. The announcement to open 157 new nursing colleges will also boost the health sector.
Sitharaman in her budget announced setting up 157 new nursing colleges in co-locations with the existing 157 medical colleges established in 2014. The IMA secretary general has also expressed his hope that whenever required the government would definitely announce some more packages to fight Covid19.