New Delhi: The Inter Border Gangster Investigation Squad (IGIS) on Wednesday arrested a fugitive militant named Gursewak alias Bablu, affiliated to a terrorist organization Khalistaan Commando Force (KCF) from ISBT Delhi.
The accused was planning to re-constitute his organisation on the instructions of KCF chief Paramjeet Singh Panjwad, sitting in Pakistan and was in touch with Jagtaar Singh Hawara and other militants lodged in jails in India. A non- bailable warrant for his arrest was issued by the Patiala House Court in two cases in which he was evading trial.
The deployed team mounted technical and manual surveillance on Gursewak Bablu. He was arrested on the basis of secret information after he came to meet one of his contacts.
In the 1980s, when terrorism was peaking in Punjab, Bablu was involved in more than 50 cases of terrorist activites, murders of police officials and police informers, bank and police station robberies etc. Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. He was also an associate of Jarnail Singh Bhinderwale who was killed in operation Blue Star.
(With inputs from IANS)
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