Raipur/Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate filed a new charge sheet before a special court in Raipur on Monday in the Mahadev betting app case. The charge sheet is about 1700 to 1800 pages long, with the names of the five accused mentioned. ED is intensifying its crackdown on app operators Ravi Uppal and Saurabh Chandrakar.
Uppal has been arrested in Dubai based on an Interpol Red Corner Notice. The document will be shared with Dubai regarding the extradition of both accused by filing a new charge sheet in court.
On October 21, ED filed the first charge sheet, where the names of 14 people were included. The second chargesheet of about 1800 pages was filed in the special PMLA court on January 1 of this year.
The names of Saurabh Chandrakar, Ravi Uppal, alleged cash courier Aseem Das, police constable Bhim Singh Yadav, and another accused related to the app Shubham Soni are in this charge sheet. The court has not yet taken cognizance of the prosecution's complaint and the upcoming hearing is on January 10.
On December 28, the ED team in Bhilai reached the house of Constable Bhim Singh Yadav, arrested in the Bhilai Mahadev app scam. ED had arrived with a summons in the name of Singh Yadav's wife, Seema Yadav, but the house was found locked. ED kept waiting there for several hours.
Later, ED returned after passing the summons. ED had received information about many big transactions in Seema Yadav's account, after which summons were issued to Seema Yadav for questioning.
Before the first phase of the 2023 Chhattisgarh Assembly elections on November 7, the ED took major action in Raipur. The ED arrested a person named Aseem Das from whom Rs 508 crore were seized. The alleged cash courier informed during interrogation that he had been asked to deliver Rs 508 crore to Bhupesh Baghel.
The cash was supposed to be used for the Chhattisgarh state polls. Former Chhattisgarh CM, Bhupesh Baghel who was in the eye of storm over the row refuted all allegations vis-a-vis his involvement in the scam. However, it did have an effect on the voters' minds as the Congress party was ousted from power in the elections.
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