New Delhi: Delhi police's Anti- Auto Theft Squad ( AATS) on Thursday busted an auto-lifters gang who has been involved in stealing of more than 500 cars including hundred of luxurious cars from the national capital and Noida.
According to the report, the AATS team got several complaints about the theft of several high-end cars in Delhi and the neighbouring areas. Reacting promptly on the complaint, the AATS team has laid a trap to catch the masterminds behind the crime.
The police party spotted a suspicious car and asked the driver to stop. The driver attempted to flee but the police team blocked the passage of the car and overpowered the driver and arrested him.
While explaining about their modus operandi, Inspector Dinesh Arya said:
- They identify the vehicles of particular make and colour declared as 'total loss' by insurance companies.
- The vehicles identified were then purchased by them and the parts of purchased vehicles were disposed of off as scrap.
- Later, the gang identified a car of the same model and colour in parts of Delhi and would lift one among them.
- Following which the number plate and chassis number of the stolen vehicle were then liquidated and replaced with total loss vehicles purchased by them.
He further said that those who were arrested during the operation are: Satish Kumar, Kunal Yadav and Rafiq-Ullah-Khan who belong to 'Wasim gang', which has been actively involved in the loot and robbery.
The gang also revealed that they used to sell the modified vehicles to the Naxal affected areas and the remote areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Meanwhile, police have recovered more than 15 expensive cars and are preparing to hand over to the real owners.
Also Read: Secunderabad police arrest four suspects in Ferrari theft