New Delhi: The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on Friday sealed the 100-year-old Roshanara Club building in Shakti Nagar of Delhi and announced its possession. The British established the club in 1922. It had a lease duration of 90 years and the lease expired in 2018, but the club was granted an extension of six months to one year. According to sources, after the lease of the club ended, the court ordered to seal it. Delhi Police and CRPF personnel were present during this action and the police force did not allow anyone to go inside.
Rajan Manchanda, General Secretary of Roshanara Club, claimed that the High Court had imposed a stay order till October 6, but on Friday morning suddenly a large number of DDA officers came and sealed the club building. Now the club officials will appeal to the High Court regarding this matter.
In 1928, BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) was established as a society in Roshanara Club itself. The first test match between India and England took place on this ground in 1931. Ranji matches were also organised here. The club is located on Roshan Road, Delhi, also called a milestone for cricket in Delhi. The officials of the club called it a dark day for cricket.
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