New Delhi: Registration of new apartments under the housing scheme of the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will start from June 30 onwards, officials informed. For the first time, flats will be allotted without lottery and people already owning flats too can apply in this scheme.
Nearly 5500 DDA flats are on sale under the fourth phase of the scheme. The flats are available at a cost ranging from Rs 13 lakh to 2.5 crore. Unlike earlier times, flats will not be allotted through lottery and instead, one can directly book it after applying through the DDA's official portal. Also, people will no longer have to wait for a prolonged period to get possession of their flat, officials said.
Till now, after receiving the applications, DDA used to conduct a lottery on a fixed day. Applicants whose names appeared in the lucky draw could buy the flat. However, the process had some drawbacks, said officials. It was found that many people who won the lottery did not take possession of the flats as those were either not at their preferred locations or the floor or direction of the flat was not as per their choice. Thus, DDA has decided to hand over flats without lottery this time, officials added.
This time, three bedroom HIG (High Income Group) flats and two bedroom MIG (Middle Income Group) flats have been included in this scheme along with the one bedroom (LIG) flats.
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The DDA flats will be at sale in various locations in Delhi namely Rohini, Narela, Siraspur, Loknayakpuram and Dwarka Jasola. Notably, people who already own a house in Delhi can also apply for a flat in this scheme provided their existing houses are on lesser than 67 square metres. Till now, only those who did not have their own house in Delhi could to apply in the DDA scheme. However, in view of the rising demand, the rule has been done away with, officials said.