New Delhi: A Delhi court on Friday directed the CBI to give a three-day prior notice to Congress MP Karti Chidambaram if it required to arrest him in connection with an alleged visa scam case. Special Judge M K Nagpal passed the order while dismissing his anticipatory bail plea as withdrawn. The plea was opposed by the CBI, which said it was not maintainable at this stage.
CBI also stated that the agency will give notice before 48 hours at least if he was required to be arrested. The court, however, directed that in case the CBI was required to arrest the accused, he needed to be given notice prior to three working days. Noting that the accused was currently abroad, the court further directed that he shall be joining the investigation within 16 hours after he reaches India.
Also read: CBI arrests Karti Chidambaram's close associate in visa bribery case