New Delhi: A chargesheet against YouTuber Gaurav Wasan, who shot to fame after his viral video, 'Baba Ka Dhaba', is likely to be filed soon, said an official of Delhi police. As per reports, days after 'Baba ka Dhaba' owner Kanta Prasad apologised to Wasan for alleging that the latter cheated him with the money, it has now come to light that the octagenarian did not withdraw the police complaint against the YouTuber. Prasad had filed the case the Delhi Police eight months ago.
The police investigation has revealed that Wasan and his wife had received a donation of over Rs 4 lakh in their bank accounts for Prasad, but they had not passed on the money to him. The duo had allegedly transferred the money only after Prasad filed the police complaint. It is to be noted that last year, Wasan had shot a video of Prasad and his wife breaking down about the lack of customers at their dhaba due to lockdown.
The video was shared widely on social media, following which several people donated money. But Prasad later lodged a cheating case against Wasan at Malviya Nagar police station alleging that he misappropriated the money. Currently, 80-year-old Kanta Prasad is on ventilator support at the Safdarjung Hospital as he reportedly attempted suicide at his residence on Thursday.
Also Read: 'Baba ka dhaba' owner Kanta Prasad attempts suicide