New Delhi: The BJP on Monday stepped up its attack against former Congress MP Rahul Gandhi for using the highly polarised Savarkar trope in his maiden address to the media following his disqualification from the Parliament. While Hardeep Singh Puri referred to him as an 'ass' competing in horse's race, Anurag Thakur slammed him by saying that he can never be like Savarkar.
The Urban Development Minister advised the grand old party to do "some serious introspection". The BJP considers VD Savarkar one of the country's foremost freedom fighters whose legacy remained forgotten for a long time. Talking to ANI, the minister said, "You know the contribution of people like Savarkarji? The people of India would judge them for their actions."
Advising the Congress to fight legal matters in the court and not outside, he smirked while commenting on Priyanka Gandhi's speech at the Rajghat on Sunday. "You are invoking Mahabharat and Savarkar," he said while giving a sly smile.
Also read: Rahul Gandhi's disqualification: Congress holds nationwide 'black' protest
Union Minister Anurag Thakur took a jibe at Rahul Gandhi saying that he can never be Savarkar because Savarkar never went on a foreign tour for six months. The BJP has often accused the former MP of not being in the country and often staying abroad for long. The Information and Broadcasting Minister slammed Rahul Gandhi for 'insulting' the OBC community and not even apologizing to them. Taking on the Congress, Thakur said that the party does not even obey court order. "Why are they creating this drama now?" he asked.
Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat also accused the Gandhi family of considering itself a "class apart, elite and above the Constitution." The way the Congress is making a hue and cry over a judicial and lawful exercise shows that the Gandhi family is above India's judicial process, Constitution and democratic system. Shekhawat also mentioned that the Lok Sabha enjoys no discretionary power on the issue of disqualifying an MP. (With Agency inputs)