New Delhi : In the derogatory remarks row, BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri today skipped the meeting of the Lok Sabha's Privileges Committee meeting citing his inability due to prior engagements. The first meeting of the privileges panel is scheduled for today to consider complaints by several members on the row surrounding Lok Sabha member Ramesh Bidhuri and Bahujan Samaj Party MP Danish Ali.
The Committee is expected to hear Bidhuri's version after the opposition parties made a strong bid for his suspension from the House. The panel received many complaints against Bidhuri for his alleged use of derogatory words against Danish Ali inside the Lok Sabha. The BJP MP was criticised strongly for his purported use of 'communal' remarks during a discussion in the House on ISRO's lunar mission - Chandrayaan-3.
The opposition parties had come down heavily and cornered the BJP, accusing the ruling party at the Centre of trying hard to proect its 'erring' MP instead of giving deterrent punishment. On the other hand, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had also stepped up its demand for action against BSP MP Danish Ali, saying that the latter had made objectionable remarks against PM Narendra Modi. The saffron party asserted that this provocation by Danish Ali led to the remarks made by Bidhuri inside Lok Sabha.
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