Kejriwal tweeted that "an elected Chief Minister (Narayanasamy) is being forced to sleep on the road since last three nights."
"What kind of democracy is this? Those elected by thevoters are begging in front of those defeated," he said and asked "why is vote of those living in Delhi and Puducherry inferior to other States?"
The Puducherry Chief Minister and his ministerial colleagues along with legislators of Congress and its allies have been staging dharna outside the Lt Governor's office since February 13.
Meanwhile, DMK MP Kanimozhi in her twitter message said, "it is condemnable that the Lt Governor Kiran Bedi is functioning in such a manner as to disrespect the elected government and to disrupt the working of the administration."
She also tweeted that almost all the Governors in the BJP regime have been functioning in an autocratic manner. The Lt Governor and the government headed by Narayanasamy have been at logger heads over various issues ever since Bedi assumed office in May, 2016.
(With inputs from PTI)