New Delhi: The Delhi Police have seized around 1,300 kg of firecrackers and arrested three people in south Delhi, police said on Monday. Police received a tip-off that a huge stock of firecrackers was kept in two different locations in Kotla Mubarak Pur area, Deputy Commissioner of Police (south) Chandan Chowdhary.
Teams conducted raids at a shop in Punjabi Bazar, Kotla Mubarak Pur and Gurdwara Road Market, recovered the firecrackers and arrested Yogender (62), Akash Vashishith (35) and Kishan Lal (60), he said. "Around 1,300 kilograms of firecrackers were recovered from them. During interrogation, the accused told police that in view of the upcoming festive season, they wanted to earn a huge profit by selling firecrackers," he said.
The arrested men procured the stock from Gurugram, DCP Chowdhary said. Police said they have registered two different FIRs against the accused under section 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) of the IPC, and relevant provisions of the Explosive Act.
Last month, Delhi's Environment Minister Gopal Rai announced a comprehensive ban on the manufacture, storage, sale and bursting of firecrackers in the capital city. (PTI)