Balod: The results of Classes 10 and 12 Board exams were out in Chhattisgarh on Wednesday. The examinations were conducted by the Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education. Among the top achievers in the Class 10 Board exam, a student Nargis Khan secured a record feat. Nargis Khan, a student of Class 7, was permitted to take the Class 10 board exam due to her high IQ level. Nargis proved his extraordinary competence as she scored more than 90 per cent marks in the Class 10 Board exam.
A student of Atmanand School, Nargis expressed her desire to appear in the Class 10 Board exam when she was studying in Class 7. After taking her IQ test, the education department of the Chhattisgarh government gave her the nod to write the exam. Speaking to ETV Bharat about her achievement, Nargis said, "I have secured more than 90 per cent marks in the Board exam. My goal was to come among the top ten students, which I achieved. I am happy with my performance."
"When I was studying in Class 6, at that time I made up my mind to appear in the Class 10 Board exam. I was following a routine and devoting six to seven hours per day to achieving the goal. Hence I prepared a timetable and started studying accordingly. Besides, I had to go to several places to take the IQ test. It was very tasking. But anyways I achieved my goal," she added.
Reacting to his daughter's feat, Nargis' father Firoz Khan said, "During the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, she was studying through online classes. She used to solve complex maths problems on her own. Besides, my daughter was helping other students in solving the maths problems. I contacted government officials to take my daughter's IQ test. Nargis cleared the test and she was allowed to appear in the Class 10 Board exam."
Also read: In a first, Class 7 student to appear for 10th board exam in Balod
Nargis will be feted by the District Collector for her achievements. The congratulatory messages were pouring in for Nargis. People were talking about her success story. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel met Nargis on Thursday and extended his greetings to her.