Patna: For an eight-year-old boy in Bihar's Patna, life has already taken two crucial turns. Arjit, found three years back in Patna's Bihta area during a chilly winter, is all set to travel to the US with an American couple who have decided to adopt him.
Found orphaned, Arjit faced additional physical challenges: cleft lips as well as a deformity in his right hand. Housed since in an orphanage, he was found by the couple - Dr. Carlin Roy Miller and Kathleen Miller - earlier this year while they were exploring India.
After the duo expressed their desire, officials from the institution informed Danapur Sub Divisional Officer, Pradeep Singh. The latter, speaking about the matter, said that an application for Arjit's passport has been made by Millers to the MEA.
"The couple have applied for a passport for Arjit to the Ministry of Externa Affairs. As soon as it is granted, the child will accompany them to the United States" Singh said, informing further that all required paperwork for the adoption has already been completed.
"The child is beautiful. We love him and are very happy to have him" Cathleen Miller said. " We have spoken to the doctors and will get the surgery done after returning to the US," she added.