Buxar (Bihar): Two trains have been halted for giving passage to the convoy of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who reached Buxar on Wednesday, as part of his ongoing Samadhan Yatra. The Patna-Buxar (MT-Cochin) passenger train and the Kamakhya-Delhi Express were held up at the outer signal for about 15 minutes for giving a smooth passage to CM's convoy.
The convoy passed through the East Itadhi Railway crossing of Buxar Railway Station. Meanwhile, distressed passengers were forced to deboard the train headed toward their destination on foot.
Also read: CM Nitish Kumar dodged question on absence in KCR's mega rally in Telangana
When Santosh Kumar, the gateman deployed at the railway crossing was asked about the hindrance in train movement, he said that the Chief Minister's convoy is about to pass, so the trains will be halted.
As videos of the incident came surfaced, Union Minister Ashwini Choubey asked, on whose orders the train stopped for CM's convoy? A high-level inquiry needs to be conducted by the Government of India.
Apart from that couple of vehicles in CM's convoy were spotted with bumper guards installed on them which is illegal as part of the 2017 ban, the Indian government amended the Motor Vehicle Act in order to prohibit any kind of metal crash guards or bull bars on vehicles.