Patna: After terrorists put the Kolkata police on red alert with a threat to blow up the iconic Indian Museum through an incriminating e mail, panic spread across the Patna High Court after an e mail was received by the Registrar General about bombing the temple of justice. Preliminary investigation revealed the e mail to be fake as the police could not find anything suspicious after reaching the spot with sniffer dogs and a bomb squad.
The e mail threatened to attack several courts in the country, including the Patna High Court. Responding to the mail, Kotwali Law and Order DSP Krishna Murari Prasad, along with the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), bomb squad, dog squad and police forces, rushed to the spot and thoroughly examined the area.
Taking cognisance of the threatening mail, several teams were summoned to investigate any loopholes in the security setup. Although chaos prevailed, passersby were interrogated to obtain details of the matter. At present, security inside and outside the Patna High Court has been tightened with no outsider being allowed to enter the premises. Officials are tight-lipped and are not revealing any information on the matter.
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