Vaishali: In a shocking incident, a 15-year-old girl student was allegedly beaten to death by four goons for resisting a molestation attempt by them in Vaishali district of Bihar on Thursday, officials said. The accused are still at large even as police have launched an investigation into the incident. It is learnt that the incident took place in Kartaha area of Vaishali district of Bihar.
The minor girl was returning from the coaching institute along with another student on Thursday evening when four bike-borne youths stopped them near Thegadih School and started molesting the girl. According to the police, miscreants beat up the student for protesting against the molestation. The girl's friend ran away and informed her family members about it.
Also read: 13-year-old found dead in Bihar's Begusarai, family alleges molestation
According to the police, the girl student regained consciousness for some time and got up to go home. But she could not walk for long and fell down. By the time, the family of the girl reached the spot, the girl had breathed her last, an official said. The family members took her to the hospital, where the doctor declared her dead.
Later, the family lodged a complaint with the concerned police station about the matter. Praveen Kumar, Karataha police station in-charge said that after getting the information about the incident, the police reached the spot and took the body into custody and sent it to the hospital for postmortem. The Karataha police station in-charge said that the exact cause of death will be known only after the post-mortem report is available.
It is said that the bereaved family is embroiled in a dispute with another family from the same village. Police is investigating all the angles into the alleged murder.