Mahoba: A Dalit female student in Chikhara village in Uttar Pradesh's Mahoba district on Saturday was allegedly brutally beaten up after drinking water from a pitcher reserved for teachers. The incident occurred after Kalyan Singh, the concerned teacher employed in the secondary school, spotted the Class 7 student while she was drinking out of the container.
Following the ordeal, the student complained to her family members, who in turn complained about the incident to government officers on the occasion of Tehsil Diwas. It is learned that the rogue teacher also used casteist slurs against the girl's father, Ramesh Kumar.
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Speaking about the incident, Sub Divisional Magistrate (Sadar) Jitendra Kumar said, "Action has been demanded against the concerned teacher. Instructions have been given to the Education Department in this regard."
"All students, including the victim student, are being questioned. The statement of the teacher has also been recorded. Further action will be taken on this basis," BSA (Basic Shiksha Adhikari) Gaurav Tiwari said.