Madhepura: In a unique initiative, a retired teacher from Bihar's Madhepura district set an example by giving a cheque for Rs 10,000 each to 10 meritorious girl students on the occasion of his son's marriage. Dr Niranjan Kumar, a retired principal of SNPM High School has closely seen the problems of poor students during their education.
On the day of his son's wedding on December 2, he distributed an amount of Rs 1 lakh among 10 medical and engineering students. He asked the principals of Jan Nayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and BP Mandal Engineering College for a list of five-five girls and then handed over a cheque for Rs 10,000 to each of them.
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People present at the wedding appreciated the helping hand of Dr Niranjan Kumar. Expressing gratitude after receiving the cheque, the girl students said, "Today, education has become expensive. Even in government colleges, there are many expenses. We thank Dr Niranjan Kumar for helping us." Earlier, he had given a cheque for Rs 5,000 each to 10 school girls at his daughter's marriage.