New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said more than 3,700 armed cadres of various insurgent groups have surrendered in the past two years in the Northeast. Those who give up their arms and join the government's dialogue process will be integrated into the mainstream society, the minister said, while speaking at the 51st Foundation Day of Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D).
"In the Northeast many peace pacts have been signed. Today, the government is going to sign a peace pact with Assam's Karbi Anglong groups," Shah added.
Amit Shah also said that those who have arms in their hands will have to face police action and no obstruction would be tolerated. "But, the doors are open for those who drop their arms and want to have dialogue with us. The government has already initiated discussions with different extremist groups in the meantime," Shah said.
READ: Beat constable most important person who makes democracy successful: Amit Shah
He said that the government has taken several steps to ensure internal security of the country, but for the border challenges, there is a need for modernisation of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs).
The minister said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's concept of smart policing should be brought to the lower level as well. Applauding the efforts of BPR&D, Amit Shah said that the think tank has done tremendous work in the past 50 years, and that in the next 50 years, it will be more advanced.
In his keynote speech, Shah also said that the beat constable deployed at the lowest level of the police system is the most important person who makes a democracy successful, and democracy cannot be successful if the law and order in a country are not good.