New Delhi: The Chakma and Hajong communities of Arunachal Pradesh staged a protest at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Tuesday against the recent cancellation of Residential Proof Certificates (RPCs) for recruitment in Defence services. The protesters also called on Home Minister Amit Shah and submitted a memorandum to him in this regard.
The Chakma and Hajong representative organisations informed Home Minister that the Assam Rifles vide order dated November 23, 2022, notified that a Temporary Residential Certificate will not be accepted as proof of domicile/permanent resident certificate for joining Defence services. The circular also provides for the issuance of Temporary Settlement Certificates (TSC) in lieu of Residential Proof Certificates as an alternative arrangement.
But Tejang Chakma, Delhi-NCR convenor, Chakma Hajong Rights Alliance (CHRA), said that only citizens of India qualify for Central government jobs and therefore, it is the admitted position of the State government of Arunachal Pradesh that those to be issued TSCs are Indian citizens. “As the Assam Rifles itself has rejected the temporary residential certificates for recruitment, it is obvious that the stated aims of issuing TSCs stand defeated, and therefore the order issuing TSCs has to be withdrawn and residence proof certificates ought to be issued", he said.
Rup Singh Chakma, President of Arunachal Pradesh Chakma Students Union (APCSU), said that every citizen of this country is issued present and permanent address certificates by the relevant authorities. “Under the Income Tax Act and the Representation of People's Act, any person staying in a place for about six months is considered an ordinary resident.
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These Chakmas and Hajongs have been born and brought up in Arunachal Pradesh. A citizen living in his/her birthplace being issued Temporary Settlement Certificates (TSC) is unheard of under Indian laws and administrative practices and it is being done only for sadistic pleasure", he said. Sumangal Chakma, convenor, Arunachal Pradesh Chakma & Hajong Students Association, pointed out that the cancellation of the RPCs and issuance of the TRCs are “nothing but an act of racial discrimination”.
“Other non-Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribes are not issued Temporary Settlement Certificates and the Chakmas and Hajongs are being targeted because of their ethnic origin and descent", he said. Addressing the protest Suhas Chakma, founder of the Chakma Development Foundation of India (CDFI), noted that there is “no rule of law in Arunachal Pradesh”.
"The AAPSU is acting as the supreme authority over the Arunachal Pradesh government. Even the order dated November 22, 2022, suspending Extra Assistant Commissioner of Diyun Circle of Changlang district Snehanghsu Roy for purportedly issuing RPCs to the Chakmas and Hajongs had to be marked to the AAPSU.
It is a reflection of the sorry state of affairs in the State", he added. The Chakma and Hajong representatives organisations demanded Home Minister Amit Shah direct Arunachal Pradesh issue present and permanent resident certificates as provided under laws and administrative practice/requirements across the country and direct the Assam Rifles under the Ministry of Home Affairs not deny recruitment of the Chakmas and Hajongs because of the non-grant of residence proof certificates by Arunachal Pradesh and recruit eligible Chakmas and Hajongs already selected.