Tokyo: Krishna Nagar on Sunday secured India's second gold medal in badminton at Tokyo Paralympics after notching a thrilling three-game win over Hong Kong's Chu Man Kai in the men's singles SH6 class final here. The 22-year-old from Jaipur, seeded second, saw off his rival 21-17 16-21 21-17 in the final to retain his unbeaten run at the Games and join compatriot Pramod Bhagat in the gold medal-winning list.
Bhagat had claimed the first gold in badminton in SL3 class on Saturday. This was India's fifth gold at the Games.
Also read: Tokyo Paralympics: Suhas Yathiraj clinches silver in badminton SL4 class
Earlier, Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj ended his campaign with a historic silver after going down fighting against top seed Lucas Mazur of France in the men's singles SL4 class final.