Chennai: International Master P Saravana Krishnan was on top of the points table despite his loss to Adhiraj Mitra in the fourth round of the ongoing Chennai Open International Grandmaster Chess tournament here on Tuesday. Krishnan shared the lead of 4 points with five other Grandmasters - Fedorov Alexei (Belarus), Glek Igor (Belgium), Khusenkhojaev Muhammad (Tajikistan), Manik Mikulas (Slovakia) and Nguyen Duc Hoa (Vietnam).
Alexei beat Murali Krishnan but Igor suffered a loss to Rohit S, while Muhammad and Mikulas registered victories over Kolla Bhaavan and Sriram Adarsh Uppala, respectively, all in Round 4. Top seed International Master Aronyak Ghosh, IMs Elgbry Mohsen (Egypt), Logon Tegin Semetei (Kyrgyzstan), Viani Antonio D'cunha and Shahil Dey (both India), were half a point behind the leaders (3.5 points).
In Round 4, Ghosh pulled off a draw against Mohsen, whereas Tegin Semetei also drew against Nepal's Jaiswal Rupesh. As for Antonio D'cunha, he too drew against Matta Vinay Kumar. Balkishan A from Mysuru caused an upset after trouncing French International Master Buscara Sevan in the same round. Balkishan displayed strength and consistency and has now moved to 3.5 points, only half a point away from the leaders. In the previous round (Round 3) held earlier in the day, Maharashtra's Sharnarthi Shlok had stunned International Master Nitin Senthilvel.
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