Mumbai: Salman Khan launched Bigg Boss season 13 in a grand event here. The superhost of the show was joined by television stars actors Arjun Bijalani, Sana Khan and Puja Banerjee at the launch.
Talking about the format of the show for season 13, the superstar said there would be no common people in the house this time.
"This whole thing of commoner and celebrity -- I don't think there is much of a difference between them. Commoner and celebrity are just terms. Everybody is a commoner, everybody is a celebrity. Once they enter the house and you watch them on TV, they become a celebrity,"
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Elaborating more on this year's contestants, the Bigg Boss host said:
"This time I think they have gone for all celebrities, who are very big on television, across various industries. So, it is a nice blend of a lot of different people."
What's new do Bigg Boss 13 offer for its viewers? Salman revealed:
"In a month's time, they (the contestants) have a finale. So, you are competing for the finale right within four weeks, and then two weeks after that there are twists and turns, and then it is time for the main finale."
Salman also introduced Ameesha Patel as a beautiful surprise in the show. Rumours are rife that Ameesha will be co-hosting the show along with Salman. However, the Gadar actor retained the suspense around her role in the show.
Salman also said the concept of punishments and jail has been retained.
Bigg Boss has moved from its regular location in Lonavala to Mumbai's Goregaon Film City in season 13.