Mumbai: Actor Deepika Padukone brought fun and joy when she entered the Bigg Boss house and gave a chance to a few contestants to step out of the house and join her for a "joyride."
For the first time in the history of the Bigg Boss show, five contestants namely Vishal Aditya Singh, Madhurima Tuli, Aarti Singh, Shehnaaz Kaur Gill and Shefali Zariwala were given a chance to step out of the house. They went out for a ride with Deepika.
In a Weekend Ka Vaar episode for Bigg Boss 13, Deepika entered the house with Laxmi Agarwal and her Chhapaak co-actor Vikrant Massey. They gave an interesting task wherein the contestants had to undergo a role reversal and enact other contestants.
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For the task, the house was divided into two teams. Team A has Rashami Desai, Sidharth Shukla, Paras Chhabra, Mahira Sharma and Asim Riaz, while Team B has Vishal, Madhurima, Shehnaaz, Aarti and Shefali.
Team B recreates the famous Chai fight between Rashami and Sidharth that leaves everyone, including judges Deepika and Vikrant, impressed. Deepika declared Team B the winner.
Deepika said that for the very first time, the winning team is going to go outside the house for a "joyride" along with her. The announcement met with great applause.
Following which, they went for a drive in an open jeep along with Deepika, who is seen enjoying their company in the vehicle.
Inputs from IANS.