Mumbai: Actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas has commenced shooting for The Matrix 4. The Warner Bros. and the Village Roadshow film is being directed by series co-creator Lana Wachowski. She will join the previously announced Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and Neil Patrick Harris in the film.
Details about Chopra's character are currently under wraps.
Production on The Matrix 4 shut down in mid-March because of the COVID-19 pandemic. By then the team had shot for nearly a month and a great deal of work was pending when the lockdown was imposed. Consequently, the release date was recently delayed from early 2021 to April 2022.
According to reports, The Matrix 4 cast underwent rigorous training for fight sequences before the shoot began in Northern California.
For unversed, Warner Bros. announced in last August that a fourth Matrix movie is officially in the works, with Reeves and Moss returning and Lana Wachowski on board to write and direct.
Priyanka will next be seen in Netflix's We Can Be Heroes, from by Robert Rodriguez, and an adaptation of the Man Booker Prize-winning novel The White Tiger. She also has Citadel, an Amazon series with Richard Madden from the Russo brothers in her kitty.
Presently, Priyanka is also collaborating with Amazon on two television projects. The first is Sangeet, an unscripted series co-produced with her husband, Nick Jonas, based on the Indian pre-wedding tradition in which the families of the bride and groom compete against each other in song and dance.
The National Award-winning actor recently added another feather to her cap as she signed a two-year multimillion-dollar, first-look television deal with the global streaming platform Amazon.