Recently, Allu Arjun shared an adorable video of himself with his daughter, asking her to if she'd marry a man of his choice in Telugu. He asks Arha to repeat the sentence, "Naana nenu nuvvu chepinna abbaiyyini pelli cheskuntanu", which she denies and says "Cheskonu."
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The 'Bunny' actor took to his Instagram account to share this adorable video and wrote, "My Donga fellow."
This video is going viral on social media and the actor's fans are drooling at the cuteness of this father-daughter duo.
Allu Arjun tied the knot with the love of his wife Sneha in 2011. The couple now has a five-year-old boy and a girl. Arha was born on November 21, 2016.
On the work front, Allu Arjun is now gearing up for his upcoming flick for which he has teamed up with Trivikram Srinivas. The untitled film is expected to go on floors later this year.