Mumbai: Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan and his father Rakesh Roshan have joined the Durga Puja celebration at his friend-turned-family Biswajit Chatterjee's place on the occasion of Maha Navami.
Accompanying his son at the pandal, the Krrish director said that the Roshan family has a long association with Biswajit's family and since his mother was a Bengali too, they celebrate the festival with great fervour and zeal.
\Sporting casual outfits for the day both the father-son duo posed happily for the lensman.
While the Khoon Bhari Maang actor opted for a checked shirt and brown pants, his son sported a rouge-colored shirt over a black t-shirt paired with black jeans.
On asking about the success of his son's latest release he said that he is happy about Hrithik and Tiger's performance in the movie. Comparing it with Hollywood movie he said that making such high octane film is now a reality in India.
Later in the day, Hrithik was also spotted alongside director Ayan Mukherjee and Alia Bhatt celebrating Durga Puja at another pandal in Mumbai.