Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Randeep Hooda on Wednesday underwent a knee surgery at a city hospital after he suffered an injury on the set of his upcoming series Inspector Avinash. A source close to the actor said Hooda suffered the injury while filming a combat sequence for the series last month.
The 45-year-old actor was admitted to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital on March 1 and was operated upon by Dr Dinshaw Pardiwala. "He underwent surgery last evening. He will be discharged in a couple of days. It is the same knee that he injured while filming Radhe and had to be operated on," the source added.
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For unversed, in December 2019, Randeep got injured on the sets of Radhe where he had a slight dislocation following which he was rushed to hospital. The incident occurred while shooting for the action sequence of the Salman Khan starrer film.
Based on the real life events, Inspector Avinash is a dramatic retelling of the life of the titular cop dealing with criminal activities in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Hooda will also be seen in the Netflix revenge drama series CAT. Hooda will be seen bringing his versatile acting prowess with Cat which is said to be revenge drama. This series marks Randeep's return to Netflix after his role in the Chris Hemsworth-starrer Extraction.
(With agency inputs)