Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao has finally tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Patralekhaa and shared adorable pictures from their intimate wedding ceremony on social media. Announcing the news on Monday, Rao took to his Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures from their wedding, which reportedly took place in Chandigarh.
The caption of the post read, "Finally after 11 years of love, romance, friendship and fun, I got married to my everything today, my soulmate, my best friend, my family. Today there is no greater happiness for me than being called your husband @patralekhaa Here's to forever .. and beyond."
In the images, while Rao was dressed in a traditional off-white sherwani, rounded up with a red turban, Patralekhaa looked stunning in an ethnic red lehenga paired with heavy traditional jewellery. The first picture showed the newlyweds candidly holding each other's hands, while in the second image, Rao can be seen putting sindoor on Patralekhaa's forehead during the ceremony.
Sharing moments from her special day, Patralekhaa also posted pictures from the dreamy wedding ceremony and, in the caption, wrote, "I got married to my everything today; my boyfriend, my partner in crime, my family, my soulmate...My best friend for the last 11 years! There is no greater feeling than to be your wife! Here's to our forever... rajkummar_rao."
The following development comes after Rajkummar and Patralekhaa had recently hosted a stunning all-white-themed engagement party on November 13, which was attended by their friends and family.
Rajkummar and Patralekhaa, who have shared screen space in the 2014 drama 'Citylights', which was also Patralekhaa's debut movie, had been dating each other for a long time.