Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood star Anushka Sharma on Sunday shared a glimpse of her shooting schedule, as the actor is back in town. Although pregnant and counting down days to deliver her first child, Sharma turned heads when she stepped out in style to start shooting for her brand commitments.
The 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi' shared a glimpse from the shoot on her Instagram Story. In the picture, Anushka is seen getting her make -up done by artists clad in face masks and PPE kits.
The 'Zero' actor will be shooting back to back seven days in various studios of Mumbai.
In some other pictures, that surfaced on the internet, Anushka looked regal and supremely fit as she rocked a green ensemble at the shoot.
The actor has taken every possible measure to ensure that her shooting venue is at a safe location, given her pregnancy and all the brands she is shooting with have also ensured that they are extra careful due to COVID-19. All cast and crew members of these shoots have been tested and quarantined.
"Anushka looked super cheerful on the sets and she was, in fact, thrilled to be back on the sets. She was telling people how she misses being on the sets. Despite being heavily pregnant, she was not stressed or worried being on the sets and around people because she was sure that all necessary steps were in place," said a source from the sets of an advertisement shoot.
Anushka is expected to resume to full-scale work from May, just four months after she delivers her first child.