New Delhi: Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, who is currently filming in Budapest for her upcoming movie Dhaakad, on Monday, spent some quality time with sister Rangoli Chandel and nephew Prithivi. The Queen actor took to her Instagram stories and shared photos, in which she could be seen enjoying her time together with her family, eating dessert at one of the cafes in Budapest.
Helmed by director Razneesh Razy Ghai, Dhaakad is a Spy thriller. In the film, Kangana will be seen essaying the role of an officer named Agent Agni. While the actor is wrapping up the shoot in Budapest, the film's first schedule was previously shot in Madhya Pradesh.
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Meanwhile, Kangana will be seen next in Thalaivi, a biopic on J.Jayalalithaa. She also has Tejas and Manikarnika Returns: The Legend Of Didda in her kitty. Apart from these, she will also play the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in an upcoming political drama Emergency.
Ranaut is also gearing up to make her OTT debut with an Indian adaptation of the popular television series Temptation Island. The show brings together couples and singles to test their bond and strengthen their connections.