Mumbai: Two days after the horror film Ghost Stories released on Netflix, directors Anurag Kashyap and Zoya Akhtar get candid about their latest release to explain the anthologies that have been featured in the film.
The online streaming platform Netflix on Friday shared two separate posts on its Instagram handle about the two directors and further shared their views in the caption.
Speaking about the horror flick, Kashyap said that he likes psychological horror and therefore he "wanted to create something that would confuse people."
While Akhtar stated that her anthology was based on "fear of ageing and abandonment."
The online streaming platform quoted Kashyap saying, "I wanted to create something that would confuse people as to what's real and what's not and engage their state of mind. My film comes from the anxiety a woman goes through when she's pregnant, and the trauma of miscarriage."
"You constantly live in the fear that, will it be this time or not, and I've seen people like those people who really want to have children but cannot. I think our monsters are manifestations of our own fear, which is what I decided to explore," the Manmarziyan director explained.
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The "fear of ageing and abandonment were thematically things that attracted" the Gully Boy director Zoya Akhtar.
"Your body grows old, starts disintegrating and you're not the same person anymore. You suddenly need to be taken care of, and there is a certain horror element to that. It's the cycle of life, but it frightens people and that attracted me to it," read Zoya Akhtar's explanations on the anthology in Ghost Stories.
Besides Kashyap and Akhtar, the film also includes filmmakers Karan Johar and Dibakar Banerjee's anthologies.
The horror flick Ghost Stories had hit the internet on January 1, 2020, over an online video streaming platform.