Mumbai: Bigg Boss 12 contestants Anup Jalota and Jasleen Mathur's alleged romance in the house had raised many eyebrows last year when the guru-shishya jodi turned into love jodi on the reality show. And now the duo has reunited for a film together.
Titled as Vo Meri Student Hai, the film will see Jalota play the singer and Mathur his student, the theme seems to be inspired by their real-life equation.
For the inversed, Anup had entered the Bigg Boss house with Jasleen who took musical training from him. On the first day of the show, Jasleen confessed that she was in a relationship with Jalota, shocking the entertainment industry and the audience.
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Even though Anup cleared his stance on the entire episode, his alleged romance on TV kept hogging the headlines. But now with Vo Meri Student Hai, the duo feels that a lot of misconceptions will be cleared about their equation.
On the mahurat day of the film, Jasleen spoke to media and said that her affair with the veteran singer in Bigg Boss house was a prank that went horribly wrong. She also said that the film is their last hope to clear the air surrounding their relationship.
Anup Jalota too spoke to media about the film's storyline and said Vo Meri Student Hai will be a Diwali dhamaka.
Written and directed by Jasleen's father Kesar Mathur, VO Meri Student Hai went on floors on October 16. The film will be released during Diwali this year.