WATCH: Delhi police crackdown on child pornography
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In its crackdown against the circulation of child pornography on social media platforms, the Cyber Crime Unit of Delhi Police intensified its campaign, ‘Operation MASOOM’ recently. As many as five persons have been arrested for allegedly receiving pornographic content on WhatsApp and other social media. The accused would share the pornographic material through WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram and other social media platforms after receiving payments through Paytm and Google Pay, reports said. Speaking to ETV Bharat Deputy commissioner of police (cyber cell) Anyesh Roy said," Masoom, started last year as a crackdown against sexually offensive content against children, acted on the incident reports generated by the online social media and messaging platforms, which are being shared through international coordination mechanisms." "Our teams registered multiple cases on these reports and manhunt was launched to track the suspects indulging in the circulation of child porn. Recently five persons have been arrested in Delhi for the alleged sale and purchase child pornography using e-commerce applications and their circulation through multiple social media platform," Roy said.