Urinary tract Infection (UTI) is a common problem faced by women of all ages. The causes can be improper hydration, poor cleanliness and hygiene practices, an imbalanced diet and unhealthy eating habits, etc. most women often tend to ignore the early signs of UTI, which can later be troublesome. The infection, if worsens can begin affecting organs like kidneys, uterus and bladder.
Dr. Ramesh Malkarnekar, General Surgeon, Retired Deputy Director of Health Services, Govt of Goa says, “Women are at a greater risk of getting cystitis (bladder infection) than men. Women have a shorter distance between the urethra and bladder than men, which makes it easier for the bacteria to spread and infect the other parts as well. Women who have a catheter inserted can present with persistent and repeated infections”.
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How to identify a UTI?
Dr. Ramesh says that Urinary tract infection sometimes doesn’t cause any prior symptoms, but when it does occur, here’s how we can identify it.
- Abnormal urine color (cloudy urine)
- Blood in the urine
- Bad or strong odor in urine. Frequent and strong urge to urinate, not relieved by passing urine
- Only passing a small amount of urine despite the frequent urge to “Go”
- A painful, burning sensation around the bladder or in the urethra
- Pressure, backache or uneasy feeling the belly button
- Leakage of urine around the catheter in catheterized females.
- Chills
- Tiredness
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Feeling tired
How to prevent it?
A famous celebrity-nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar says that with little effort and lifestyle changes, the problem of UTI can be prevented to a great extent. Here is what she mentions:
- Not just women, but men too should drink a lot of water throughout the day. Lack of water in the body can be a cause of UTI. Therefore, one must drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water in a day.
- Apart from water, other fluids and healthy drinks such as coconut water, lemonade and sugarcane juice can be very beneficial, especially in the summer season. These drinks also help in removing unwanted substances from the body.
- Women who face the problem frequently can also consume kokum, bael, amla and buransh juice. This is recommended because Vitamins, minerals, electrons and antioxidants are found in abundance in these juices. However, its consumption must be avoided post noon hours.
- She says that Rice Kanji (a combination of rice, water and curd), as well as Kulthi dal or horse gram, can help in reducing the chances of contracting UTI. Basically, rice kanji is an excellent prebiotic and it boosts the good bacteria in the body. Moreover, fiber is found to be in abundance in kulthi dal, and it helps in removing toxic substances from the body.
- Apart from this, massaging the lower side of your feet with ghee and Kashayachi Vati before sleeping is also beneficial in preventing UTI.
What else to remember?
Rujuta Diwekar says that at times, this problem can also be due to hormonal imbalance in the body of women, in which case, few lifestyle changes can be done to reduce the UTI risk. Following are the tips you must remember:
- Always wash your hands properly before and after going for urination or defecation.
- Always wear washed, clean and dry underwear and of a fabric that is comfortable and has the ability to quickly dry sweat (preferably cotton).
- Never control your natural urges like urine, as it increases the pressure on the urinary system, which can cause UTI.
- Always wear clothes that are light and do not let the sweat get accumulated, especially in the genital area. Accumulation of sweat increases the risk of bacterial growth in these parts.
- After bathing, dry all your body properly before wearing clothes.
- Ensure you have proper sleep hygiene.
- Eat healthy and nutritious food daily.