Hyderabad: According to beliefs, the effects of diseases and infections on people who practice yoga regularly are relatively less. Many types of research have confirmed it and doctors and experts associated with all medical disciplines also believe that with regular exercise, especially the practice of Yoga, all the systems of the body, especially the respiratory system and lungs, stay healthy and the risk of being affected by diseases is also relatively low. The practice of Yoga can be beneficial even in diseases like cancer.
Breathing is the most essential activity for a person to survive. If a person has any disease or problems related to the respiratory system or lungs, then their health gets compromised, which greatly affects their normal life. Doctors believe that most of the problems related to the lungs or respiratory system can be avoided to a great extent by adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle and diet and by including regular Yoga and any type of exercise in your routine.
Experts believe that the practice of yoga can be beneficial even in complex diseases like lung cancer. Not only this, the benefits of regular practice of Anulom-Vilom, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Udgeet and other types of Pranayama and many other Asanas in the prevention of cancer (lung cancer) have been considered in many reports and research published in the country and around the world.
Significantly, the month of November is also observed as Lung Cancer Awareness Month all over the world. The main aim of observing this event is to make people aware of the prevention of this disease, its treatment and other information related to it so that timely efforts can be made in the right direction for the prevention and treatment of this disease.
Being a part of this campaign, ETV Bharat Sukhibhava also took information from an expert about the benefits of Yoga in lung-related problems, especially in lung cancer, precautions related to it and which Yoga Asanas can be beneficial during this condition.
Yoga Guru Meenu Verma from Bangalore says that regular Yoga practice is very helpful in keeping the lungs healthy and the respiration smooth. In fact, it is considered very important to control your breath in Yoga. When breathing is done with proper form and correct technique during the Asana, then the lungs become strong and the obstructions in them and the respiratory tract are also removed. This reduces the possibility of contracting any severe or mild disease.
She says that generally, people feel that if you are taking treatment for any disease then you cannot do Yoga. But except for some very complicated situations, after consultation with the doctor, mild Yoga Asanas can be practised even during any therapy or special treatment. Provided they are being practised under the guidance of an expert.
Also read: Yoga asanas to strengthen lungs to fight air pollution in Delhi, NCR
She says that practising yoga in such a state not only boosts the body's immune system, but also relieves problems like stress, restlessness, sleeplessness, nervousness and constipation during treatment, and also improves your mood. She explains that regularly practising Pranayama and its different types is beneficial in keeping the lungs healthy, while there are many other Yoga Asanas which strengthen the lungs naturally as well as protect them from the effects of diseases like lung cancer. Some of these are as follows:
- Bhujangasana:Bhujangasana
- First of all, lie down on the ground on your stomach and straighten your legs.
- Now keep your palms near both sides of the chest.
- In this position, the hand should be close to the body, the elbow should be outside and the forehead should be on the ground.
- Now while breathing slowly, first raise the forehead, then the neck, shoulders and chest upwards.
- Now in this process, move the neck slowly backwards and keep breathing comfortably while looking upwards.
- Keep in mind that in this position, the entire weight of the body should not fall on the palms.
- Stay in this position for 20-25 seconds and then slowly come back to the first position.
- Shalabhasana:Shalabhasana
- To do this asana, first, lie down on the ground on your stomach.
- Now keep your hands straight and your feet together.
- Now, while breathing, raise the head and chest in the air, and raise the right hand as well as the left leg together.
- Keep in mind that the knees should be straight during this position.
- Now while exhaling, bring your torso down.
- Now repeat this process from the other side as well.
- Trikonasana:Trikonasana
- Stand straight by joining the feet together. The hands should be adjacent to the hips.
- Now, making a distance of 2 to 3 feet between the legs, take your arms in the direction of the shoulders.
- Inhaling slowly, raise your right arm above your head in such a way that it starts touching the ear.
- Now while exhaling slowly, tilt your body to the left in such a way that the right-hand remains parallel to the ground.
- Keep in mind that during this neither the knees should bend nor the hands should be away from the ears.
- Stay in this position for a few seconds and then come back to the old position.
- Now repeat the same action from the other side as well.
- Gomukhasana:Gomukhasana
- First of all, sit in Sukhasana or cross-legged.
- In this process, first, keep your left leg pulling towards your body and then place your right leg on the thigh of the left leg.
- Now try to take your right hand behind your back by bending the elbow and over the shoulder.
- At the same time, try to move your left hand towards the back by bending the elbow but from the lower side of the chest.
- Now try to join both hands on the back and if possible hold each other with both hands.
- Stay in this state for some time and keep taking deep breaths.
- Then come back to your starting position again. Repeat the same process from the other side as well.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana:Ardha Matsyendrasana
- For this, first of all, sit in Dandasana, making sure that the spine is straight.
- Now bend the right leg and keep it comfortably on the ground near the left buttock.
- Then bend the left leg from the knee and keep it on the ground while taking it over the right knee.
- Now take the right hand over the left foot and hold the toe of the left foot.
- Now exhale as easily as possible, bend the torso and neck in the left direction and try to focus the eyes on the left shoulder.
- During this, keep taking deep breaths.
- After staying in this state for a few moments, come back to the old state.
- Now repeat the same process from the other side as well.
Meenu Verma says that lung cancer is a complex disease and its effects are also seen to be serious on the body. It is very important that before starting the practice of Yoga during any complex disease, the doctor must be consulted. Along with this, it is also necessary to receive information from a specialist regarding the Asanas that can be done by the afflicted person. And the most important thing is that these people should practice Yoga only under the guidance of an expert.